Friday, April 21, 2006

Mirror Creation

So creativity takes time. At the one and only Pop's Pub, the regulars have had to make due with a mirror that shows a lovely nature scene. A buck, a doe, trees, a racoon, a bird and a goofy fence-- all rendered in mirror paint over mirror squares. Because we can never leave well enough alone, one evening the buck became a three- legged doe (with the help of a razor) to honor Kristin's flower eating friend. That was as much fun as we could possibly have with that and because it didn't quite meet with the desired theme, we decided that the mirror must go. A full sized mirror was given as a Christmas gift to the Proprietor in 2004, along with a little sandblasting kit. By Christmas of 2005, the stencils for the proper mirror had been cut. For the Easter 2006 project, the stencils were properly positioned on the mirror and Turbo Joe got ready to sandblast. UMMM, not enough power -- we should have brought the real sandblaster. Don't worry, Pop, it's going to get done. Really.

1 comment:

jimmy said...

Uumm...I tried to develop the photos...but the role was b&w and cvs screwed up and ran it through the machine and destroyed ni pics for you. sorry