Friday, January 04, 2008

Think Tank?

Obviously this is a serious problem on my part for not keeping this lovely blog in a perfectly lineal time line but...let's go back...just a little bit.

August 2007. Phase II Kidney Transplant- Homeward bound. Pop and Mot take shifts doing things for me like laundry and fetching water down to the river ....uuum or fridge.

All the lap tops were set up in the dining room table. We would commune during different parts of the day tapping, tapping....tapping.

Philosphical, political and technical discussions were frequent and haphazard. Mot plotted his course westward in Chillipepper, Pop mapped out Hilly's campaign domination in NY and I checked email at work. It was an extrordinary time of change , healing, bonding and heat. (sounds like a glue gun war in kindergatrten) Apparently, I was told that, it was hot. After 11 days in the Strong meat locker and taking way too many meds...I could not feel the heat at all. Everyday felt like 72 degrees. I know the air in the dining room does not move so I just watched Mot and Pop sweat. What I thought was a family think tank...was more closely related to a Stink Tank. Sorry about the lack of air conditioning boys. Miss you.

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