Friday, February 08, 2008

Gracie's First Communion

Grace really enjoyed this. It brought together the dress, hair, earings, family and friends. That's pretty much everything you need in life.
The dress came from Aunt Mo in Spain. I saw pictures of Sidney in it. Grace LOVED it. So her cousin Katie will probably get it next. Very pretty. I believe the ensemble was completed by a necklace from the MomMom collection.

Aunt Cathy joined us as well (my hero - St Catherine the Great). We had a lovely mass with the three church choir. Grace and her buddy CeeCee from down the street and three other kids got the full attention of the church and the Celebrants.

We had a lovely brunch at the Winfield Grill. Our pal AnnMarie was able to join us for the festivities. We'll probably have a cookout in the early summer so the grandparents can come.

The baby is new to our blog. This is Grace's half sister - Maria Isabel Moran Boehlert (Ithink). Marie looks and acts a lot like Grace. She likes to smile and grunt.

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